My Blog
Tales and Tidbits
Thanks for stopping by my website to learn about my book, A Woman of Marked Character, and Sarah Ridge Paschal Pix, on whom my historical novel is based. Here I’ll periodically write vignettes about Sarah and those people and events who touched her life from 1812 to 1891. I’ll share with you tales and tidbits of my experiences over the thirty-plus years when I was researching and writing Sarah’s story.
In older posts you can see a bit of my life over the past five or so years. During that time when I was engrossed in writing the two-part biographical novel of Sarah’s life, I also found time for painting and photography, traveling when COVID allowed, enjoying my family and friends—my wild turkey!—and my life in rural Rhode Island.
Enjoy the reads!
Nancy Stanfield Webb
February 2024
Out of the Skillet … With an Excerpt!
The author discovers the root of an old saying during her research.
Excerpt from Chapter 8, Young Sarah Meets President James Monroe
Sarah at President James Monroe’s soiree on the President’s House
How I Got My Book Title, A Woman of Marked Character
A statement from a man who knew Sarah.
Mother's Day 2022
A real Mother’s Day for the celebration that didn’t happen during COVID.